Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

sesuatu yg baru :)

* Do you remember who you gave for the good of others, but remember the good that other people give you.
* Everything has its beauty, even darkness and silence.
 * I learn, whatever the situation, that's where I have to keep growing.

* The reality today is the dream of the day yesterday, and today the dream is a reality tomorrow.
* Year is like a tree, its branches like the months, days of the branches, the hours as our breath sebagau leaves and fruit. Anyone who is breathing is always in obedience, then that person has been planting trees is good.
* Losses are real to people who were pragmatic in religion: "And among mankind is he who worships God only on the edge, then if he gets the good he felt satisfied, and if overwritten an ordeal he turned back. He r ... Ugi in the world and the Hereafter, that's a real loss ". (Translation QS. Al-Hajj: 11).
* Honesty is the soul of jewelry that is more luminous than diamonds
* Learning without thinking is useless, while thinking without learning is dangerous.
* The love of God is the peak of love. Valley of love is love of neighbor.
* Nobility of character will appear in speech and action.
* People with big hearts steadfast stance, but not stubborn.
* Give me your love for your Lord and pull your love for your Lord, you certainly will not be disappointed.
* Love beautiful like the clapping of two hands, there would be wonderful if simply left alone.
* Instinct talk we will love that we adore, but do not always love what we worship.
* Sight akhiratmu up for business and sight down to the affairs of your world then life will be peaceful.
* Recognize your mistakes and learn from them, but never dwell in it.
* Stupid People never learn from its failures.
* Smart People learn from the failures that he did and he was fixing it.
* Wise Men learn from the failures of others
* The most certain way to avoid failure is to not try.
* Failure and Success is One package to Success. * Failed to this day can be a Success Tomorrow.
* Thinking is hard work, because that very few people do it at home. If two people always agree on everything, that means only one person is thinking.

* The fact is someone who I though you've hurt, but still able to look at you and smile ..
* In life, prepare yourself as possible, and rather than wait for the opportunity comes, you better create it.
* Time passed, learn from the past, be prepared tuk future, give my best for today.
* To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want, write down and then make.
* Greatest love and love essential for those who believe God is love. So the love of God who should be a great motivator and is not limited.
* Success that you have experienced in the past will help to motivate you in the future.
* If God is the goal, why should you be defeated by the obstacles that small before God? If making a living is worship, the hard work we, God willing, the greater the reward to be given by God.
* Do not be too dependent pd others, even sahabatpun will not always be there for you. Be SELF-personal.
* Friend is someone who always makes your heart happy. Friend always makes life much more enjoyable.
* When you feel your opinion was heard, know that you are learning about how to APPRECIATE....